Herr Miller's Hausaufgabe
Week of 26.April.2011
Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei.
Everything has an end, only sausage has two.
Alles neu macht der Mai.
Everthing starts new in the spring
`Auf jeden Regen folgt auch Sonnenschein.
Sunshine follows every rainstorm.
Intro to Foreign Language
Tues./Wed…-students will repeat vocabulary from software program...Thurs./Fri.-Students will compare German words with similar English words
German I
Tues./Wed.-Students will identify verb forms from reading and change tense of identified verb…Thurs.-students will write writing prompt..Fri.-students will interpret English meaning from German podcast.
German II
Tues./Wed.-students will identify irregular verbs from reading…Thurs.- students will write writing prompt…Fri.-students will view video series Extra for comprehension
Advanced German
Tues./Wed.- Students will read text in German using correct pronunciation and will analyze text…Thurs.-Students will write writing prompt….Fri.-Students will listen to German podcast and restate in English