Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week of 1.March.2010

Intro to Foreign Language
>in class work to include online German sites and vocab.

Advanced German
>in class work to include intro. to Die Tiere -novella...homework -continued online website

German I
>continued modal worksheet...quiz Thursday
German II
>in class work to include word champ vocab. builder...homework practice w/worksheet....quiz vocab. Thurs.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Week of 22.Feb.2010
Intro to Foreign Language
>in class work w/Rosetta Stone software
German I

> students will continue w/modal aux. quiz on könne & dürfen
German II
>Students will continue w/ Betina & Wolfgang dialogs for grammar & vocab.
Advanced German

>students will be working on passive voice constructions & vocab...quiz wed. on handout

Monday, February 8, 2010

Week of 8.Feb.2010

Intro to Foreign Language
>continued vocabulary w/ Hennings Haus & folksong
German I

>homework to include worksheet & vocab. on modals w/
German II
>homework to include handout & worksheet...quiz Thurs. on modal forms
Advanced German

>homework to include handout on passive voice...quiz Thurs. on passive voice