Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Week of 15.March.2010

Intro to Foreign Language
>students will be viewing video on The Berlin Wall and discussing cultural aspects
German I
>students will be studying vocabulary using online Word Champ...test Thursday on feelings & schoollife, weak verbs

German II
>students will be studying vocab on Word Champ...handout reading Aschenputtel
Advanced German

>students will be studying vocb on Word Champ...handout reading...Salz mehr wervoller

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Week of 8. March.2010

Intro to Foreign Language
>in class to include vocab. drills w/ internet & software use
German I
>Word Champ- Topps # 1 & weak verbs to be completed...quiz Wed..
German II
>Word Champ- Berufe #'s 1 & 2 to be completed...quiz Thursday
Advanced German

>Word Champ-Topps # 3...Schoollife...verbs...quiz Thursday