Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Herr Miller's Hausaufgabe

Week of 11.April.2011

    "Was ich nicht aendern kann, nehm ich geduldig an."
                             "What I can't change, I will patiently endure."
                                        "Taten sagen mehr als Woerter."
                                     "Actions speak louder than words."
                                        "Jahre lehrt mehr als Buecher."
                                       "Years teach more than books."

Intro to Foreign Language
Mon.-Fri/-continued Hennings Haus learning food,colors,clothing,numbers & directions
German I
Mon./Tues.-continued review for Wed. test on narrative past & vocab.....Wed- test on narrative....Thurs./Fri.-dialogs w/vocab. online
German II.
Mon./Tues.-vocab. & grammar review w/Ein Taschendieb reading...Wed.- test..
Thurs./Fri.-podfiles audio drills
Advanced German
Mon.-Wed.-Forunatus novella chpt.s 9-10 w/ comprehensive chapter questions...Thurs./Fri.-online podfiles

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Herr Miller's Hausaufgabe
Week of 6. Dez.2010
Weihnacht kommt !
Intro to Foreign Language
Mon./Tues.-telling time...Wed./Thur.-Rosetta Stone...Fri.-www.nick.de
German I
Mon./Tues.-continued modals...Wed.-modal quiz...Thur./Fri.-reading Bleib Gesund!
German II
Mon.-review quiz...Tues./Wed.-int. reading....Fri.-studystack online
Advanced German
Mon./Wed.-Wunderland...Thurs. quiz....Fri.-discovery ed.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Herr Miller's Hausaufgabe

Week of 07.Feb.2011

Arbeit macht das Leben suss!

Intro to Foreign Language
Mon.-geography/history...Tues./Wed.-Hennings Haus online~Thur./Fri.-Rosetta Stone Unit 1-chpt.2
German I
Mon.-review "der" words...Tues./Wed.kontakte German~Thurs./Fri.-vocab.-studystack
German II
Mon.-Tues./Wed.-continued review modals online & worksheet~Thurs.-quiz-modals~Fri.-discovery ed.
Advanced German
Mon.-online forum...Tues./Thurs.- inclass work on Wunderland ~Fri.-progress report on project

Monday, November 22, 2010

Herr Miller's Hausaufgabe

Week of 22. Nov.2010
frohes Dankfest!

Intro to Foreign Language
Mon./Tues.-question words & Ernte Dankfest vocab.~ Wed.-P.P.-der Schildkrote

German I
Mon.-P.P-sollen modal~Tues./Wed.-Ernte Dankfest vocab. & culture

German II
Mon.-Past tense modal intro~ Tues./Wed.- Ernte Dankfest vocab & culture
Advanced German
Mon.-Past tense modal review~Tues./Wed.Ernte Dankfest vocab. & culture

Monday, November 15, 2010

Week of 15.Nov.2010
Leider gesagt als getan!
Intro to Foreign Language
Tues./Wed.-cognate sheet vocab.~Thurs./Fri.-Kinder Volkslied
German I
Tues./Wed.-online vocab. & sample sentences~Thurs.-quiz( present tense & vocab.~Fri.- streaming discovery ed. Top episode
German II
Tues./Wed. online studystack & gutenberg.org~Thurs.-quiz(vocab. w/ pres. perf.)~Fri.- online graded course
Advanced German
Tues./Fri.-Gutenberg project

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week of 8. Nov. 2010
Intro to Foreign Language
Mon./Tues- continued classroom phrases~Wed./Thurs.-cognate sheet & colors~Fri.- Hennings Haus online vocab. site
German I
Mon/Tues...continued present tense w/worksheet~Wed.-quiz-present tense~Thurs. review quiz~Fri.-Rosetta Stone
German II
Mon./Wed.-reading w/ comprehensive questions~Thurs.-quiz on reading~Fri.-Rosetta Stone
Advanced German
Mon./Wed.-Bleiben Sie Gesund graded reading w/vocab. & questions~Thurs.-quiz on reading~review quiz

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Week of 1.Nov.2010
Kein Jammer!

Intro to Foreign Language

Mon.-writing prompt~Tues.-Kinderlieder...Es war eine Mutter~Wed.-Thurs.-meet new groups
Fri.-cognate sheet
German I
Mon.-writing prompt~ Tues.-review quiz~ Wed.-study stack vocab.~Thurs.-quiz haben /sein w/ pronouns~ Fri.-Rosetta Stone
German II
Mon.-writing prompt~Tues.,Wed.-conversational past packet~ Thurs.-quiz-conversational past online course
Advanced German
Mon.-writing prompt~Tues.,Wed.-text work in class~ Thurs.-dictation quiz~ Fri.-online graded course

Monday, October 25, 2010

Week of 25.Okt.2010

Gesagt, gemacht!

Intro to Foreign Language

Mon.-Tues.-continue German /Swiss culture w/video....Wed.-Thurs.-TPR colors, numbers & basic classroom instructions...Fri.- picture vocab.
German I
Mon.-Tues.- continued haben/sein present conjugation w/ pronouns...Wed. quiz haben/sein
w/pronouns...Thurs.-review quiz...Fri.- kontakte online picture vocab.
German II
Mon.-continued online exercises w/question forming...Tues- vocab. quiz adjectives from
studystack...Wed.-review quiz ...Thurs.-Fri.- Rosetta Stone work
Advanced German
Mon.-Tues. review worksheet w/ new vocab.....Wed.-review for quiz...Thurs. quiz -studystack
Fri. podcasts.com

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week of 18.Okt.2010

Intro to Foreign Language
Mon./Wed.-finish Berlin Wall video---Tues./Thurs./Fri.- kontakte online Familie interactive voc.
German I
Mon./Tues.-review quiz...Wed./ Thurs.- present tense haben/sein w/ pronouns...Fri.-Topp Episode 4 (German quiz show)
German II
Mon.-review quiz and use vocab. in sentences...Tues.Wed.-studystack vocab.adjectives....Thurs.-online work...Fri.-online quiz
Advanced German
Mon./Tues.-review quiz and practice syntax...Wed./Thurs.-German podcasts at podcasts.com
Fri.-quiz...Extra German video series

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Week of 11. Okt.2010

Intro to Foreign Language
The Berlin Wall....history of West/East Berlin video
German I
continued present tense w/ studystack vocab...test Thurs. est-ten-ten
German II
test Wed. vocab....continued studystack vocab./ work w/ present perfect worksheet
Advanced German
Kontakte online interactive dialogs...quiz Fri. on mixed verbs

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Week of 27.Sep.2010
Intro to Foreign Language
continued vocab & phrarses from websites & software
German I
students will be introduced to present tense & syntax for weak verbs
German II
continued work with present perfect tense forms and syntax...new vocabulary to be introduced with webgerman site ...haben quiz Thursday
Advanced German
continued work with reading...quiz past tenses & vocab.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week of 20.Sep.2010
website of week
Intro to Foreign Language
~students will continue to learn and use basic vocab. using websites Hennings Haus and
German I
~continued basic vocab. and syntax using websites and promethian...test Thurs. notebook
vocab and question syntax
German II
~continued vocab. and grammar review using various websites and boardwalk...quiz
Wed. on notes and boardwork
Advanced German
~online dialogs with interactive responses...quiz Monday on tense usage with weak verbs...
German podcasts and MP3 files

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Der Herbst kommt, so ruh und weich..
Die Blaetter schuettelt, und fallen so leicht...

Intro to Foreign Language
continued work with time elements, numbers and colors....software and internet sites will be
used...German culture and everyday life wil be discussed
German I
continued classwork with vocabulary to include cognates, time elements & question words...
quiz on Thurs. on vocab. covered
German II
continued review w/ textbook & software...German syntax to be reviewed w/ interactive
online exercises... quiz Thurs. to include vocab. and syntax covered and
Advanced German
continued vocab. & gramar review in preparation for internet project...Rosetta Stone work ...
quiz Thurs.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Week of 6. Sep. 2010

Hoffentlich haben Sie Ihre Freitag erfreut...morgen müßen wir
unsre Schularbeit anfangen...Herr Miller

Intro to Foreign Language
continued cognate work..introduce basic vocab., numbers, time elements
Volkslied..."Es war eine Mutter
German I
continued intro of vocab. to include time elements, colors & basic syntax...to include
work & MP3 files
German II
continued review of material covered w/ Deutsch Aktuell text, Rosetta Stone & online
websites...Mp3 files to be introduced by category...
Advanced German
continued review of grammar & vocab. with text, graded readings and
podcasts...begin online project w/ www.slowgerman.com

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week of 30.August.2010

Herzliche Willkommen beim North Schuylkill!! Hoffentlich haben wir ein frohes und produktives Jahr und auch viel Spaß...bis bald...Herr Miller

Intro to Foreign Language

introduce concept of foreign language learning...have dialogs w/basic classroom phrases...
numbers 1-20....basic geographical & cultural info

German I
introduce concept of foreign language learning...have dialogs w/basic classroom phrases...
numbers 1-20....basic geographical & cultural info...handout w/ cognates

German II
meet & greet w/ basic classroom phrases...begin review of basic vocab. & concepts...

Advanced German
begin review of vocab. & grammatical concepts ...have students renew Word Champ memberships online

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Week of 17.Mai.2010

Intro to Foreign Language
>continued vocab....Berlin Wall video
German I
>vocab. quiz Tues....Word champ Tops #3...review w/ Deutsche Stufe
German II
>quiz Tues. ... continued review relative pronouns sheet
Advanced German
>Fortunatus...chpt. 5 w/chpt. review questions...independent review

Monday, May 10, 2010

Week of 10.Mai.10

Intro to Foreign Language
>vocab. using internet sites Hennings Haus & quia.com
German I
>review using worksheets and boardwork...quiz Thurs. word champ Das Wetter
German II
>continued in class review using Salz reading...software Tell Me More
Advanced German
>software Where is Oscar Lake?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Week of 3.Mai.2010

Intro to Foreign Language
>Deutsche Stufe software...basic vocab...
German I
>continued review...word champ online vocab...quiz modals sollen-wollen Thurs.
German II
>continued review...Salz-Gold reading...review quiz Wed.
Advanced German
>continued Fortunatus w/chpt.end questions...quiz Thurs.chpt.3

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Week of 26.April.2010

Intro to Foreign Language
>continued vocab. w/Es war eine Mutter... in class Rosetta Stone
German I
>continued review w/future worksheet....vocab. quiz Wed. 1-50 Essen & Trinken
German II
>review grammar w/reading...Wed.word champ quiz....continued class review
Advanced German
>Chpt.2-Fortunatus Q&A at chpt.end....quiz Thurs.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Week of 19.April.10

Intro to Foreign Language

>continued vocab. & culture w/ Hennings Haus website
German I
>vocab. test Wed....continued in class review
German II
>vocab. test Thurs....continued reading Salz ist wervoller
Advanced German
>test Tues....continued Fortunatus

Monday, April 5, 2010

Week of 5.April.2010

Intro to Foreign Language
>students will be working with German cognates...basic geographic & cultural info.
German I
>students will continue with vocab. on Word Champ...quiz Wed. ...introducing conversational past
German II
>students will continue modal review...vocab. on Word Champ...quiz Wed.

Advanced German
>students begin Novella Fortunatus... vocab. at www.book2.de ...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Week of 15.March.2010

Intro to Foreign Language
>students will be viewing video on The Berlin Wall and discussing cultural aspects
German I
>students will be studying vocabulary using online Word Champ...test Thursday on feelings & schoollife, weak verbs

German II
>students will be studying vocab on Word Champ...handout reading Aschenputtel
Advanced German

>students will be studying vocb on Word Champ...handout reading...Salz mehr wervoller

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Week of 8. March.2010

Intro to Foreign Language
>in class to include vocab. drills w/ internet & software use
German I
>Word Champ- Topps # 1 & weak verbs to be completed...quiz Wed..
German II
>Word Champ- Berufe #'s 1 & 2 to be completed...quiz Thursday
Advanced German

>Word Champ-Topps # 3...Schoollife...verbs...quiz Thursday

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week of 1.March.2010

Intro to Foreign Language
>in class work to include online German sites and vocab.

Advanced German
>in class work to include intro. to Die Tiere -novella...homework -continued online website

German I
>continued modal worksheet...quiz Thursday
German II
>in class work to include word champ vocab. builder...homework practice w/worksheet....quiz vocab. Thurs.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Week of 22.Feb.2010
Intro to Foreign Language
>in class work w/Rosetta Stone software
German I

> students will continue w/modal aux. handout...wed. quiz on könne & dürfen
German II
>Students will continue w/ Betina & Wolfgang dialogs for grammar & vocab.
Advanced German

>students will be working on passive voice constructions & vocab...quiz wed. on handout

Monday, February 8, 2010

Week of 8.Feb.2010

Intro to Foreign Language
>continued vocabulary w/ Hennings Haus & folksong
German I

>homework to include worksheet & vocab. on modals w/ www.nthuleen.com
German II
>homework to include handout & worksheet...quiz Thurs. on modal forms
Advanced German

>homework to include handout on passive voice...quiz Thurs. on passive voice

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week of 1.Feb.2010

Intro to Foreign Language
>students will be learning vocabulary w/ Muzzy video program
German I
>students will be beginning new work on the forms and meanings of modal auxillaries w/worksheet...
German II
>students will be reviewing vocabulary and handout dealing w/modals
Advanced German

>students will be reviewing vocab. and working on onlne site

Monday, January 25, 2010

Week of 25. Jan. 2010

Intro to Foreign Language
>continued cognate sheet ....MP3 files
German I
>homework -study guide for der/ein words...practice audio files
German II
>homework-continued review weak verb vocab....
Advanced German

>homework- continued review vocab.....introduce preposition worksheet

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Week of 18. Jan.2010

Intro to Foreign Language
> continued in class vocab...no homework
German I
>review mid term in class...online exercises @
German II
>review mid term in class...homework complete handout on conversational past...
Advanced German

>review mid term in class...homework to continue online exercises @ www.nthuleen.com

Monday, January 4, 2010

Week of 4. Jan.2010

Intro to Foreign Language
>no homework...in class dialog vocab....Rosetta Stone
German I
> review previously covered material using handouts & boardwork
German II
>review previously covered material using handouts & boardwork
Advanced German

>review previously covered material using handouts & boardwork