Sunday, May 15, 2011

   Herr Miller's Tagesordnung
Week 17.April.2017

Nichts beklagen, nichts erklären.
Never complain and never explain.

Phantasie ist die Fähigkeit, in Bildern zu denken.
Imagination is the ability to think in images.

Rache ist das bittere Vergnügen eines erbärmlichen Geistes.
Revenge is the abject pleasure of an abject mind.

Was ich nicht ändern kann, nehm ich geduldig an.
What I can't change, I will patiently endure.

Erziehung ist die billigste Verteidigung der Nationen.
Education is the cheapest defence of nations.

Lob macht gute Menschen besser und schlechte schlechter.
Praise makes good people better and bad people worse.

Intro to Foreign Language
This week students will  learn basic greetings .They will also be learning basic vocabulary and phrases commonly using Deutschlernen website.
German I
This week students will  be learning modal auxillary forms wollen and sollen.. They will also work with vocab dealing with Fastnacht.
German II
This week students will work with imperative mode . German Vocabulary will be working with weak verbs in the command form to familiarize them with correct usage.They will also work with vocab dealing with life in the city. Handouts with exercises for imperative  will be utilized.
German III
This week students will  be reading Die Urlaubreise for reading comprehension.of German .They will also work with vocab dealing with social issues. Various websites will be used to reinforce vocabulary and concepts.

German IV
 This week, students will be reviewing syntax and verb forms in context of German readings. The novella Fortunatus will be used in class pointing out examples of grammatical concepts in context of text.They will also work with readings dealing with life in Berlin.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Herr Miller's Hausaufgabe

Week of 23.Jan.2012

                                               Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei.
Everything has an end, only sausage has two.
                                                            Alles neu macht der Mai.
Everthing starts new in the spring.
                                                `Auf jeden Regen folgt auch Sonnenschein.
Sunshine follows every rainstorm.
  Intro to Foreign Language
Mon./Tues…students will repeat vocabulary from RoseStone software program..Wed./Thur.-German cognate sheet...Fri-online video                                                 
                                             German I

Mon./Tues...-online vocabulary practice..Wed.-der word packet…Thurs- quiz.Fri-online video @ streaming video
German II
Mon./Tues...-modal auxillary review…Wed./ /Fri.-online video @ streaming video

Advanced German
Mon./Tues/Wed...finish class project....Thurs./Fri.-review packet w/readings
 Career Exploration
Mon/Tues.-career cluster survey...Wed./Thurs-discussion of survey results Fri.- Career video online

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Herr Miller's Hausaufgabe
Week of 26.April.2011

                                              Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei.
Everything has an end, only sausage has two.
Alles neu macht der Mai.
Everthing starts new in the spring
`Auf jeden Regen folgt auch Sonnenschein.
Sunshine follows every rainstorm.

Intro to Foreign Language
Tues./Wed…-students will repeat vocabulary from software program...Thurs./Fri.-Students will compare German words with similar English words

German I

Tues./Wed.-Students will identify verb forms from reading and change tense of identified verb…Thurs.-students will write writing prompt..Fri.-students will interpret English meaning from German podcast.

German II

Tues./Wed.-students will identify irregular verbs from reading…Thurs.- students will write writing prompt…Fri.-students will view video series Extra for comprehension

Advanced German

Tues./Wed.- Students will read text in German using correct pronunciation and will analyze text…Thurs.-Students will write writing prompt….Fri.-Students will listen to German podcast and restate in English


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Herr Miller's Hausaufgabe
Week of 18.April.2011

"Was ich nicht aendern kann, nehm ich geduldig an."
"What I can't change, I will patiently endure."
"Taten sagen mehr als Woerter."
"Actions speak louder than words."
"Jahre lehrt mehr als Buecher."
"Years teach more than books."

Intro to Foreign Language

Mon./Tues.-Rosetta Stone audio/visual practice...Wed./Thurs-learn vocabulary related to Easter and customs related to holiday...

German I

Mon.-Students will review test..Tues.-Students will study Easter vocab. online...Wed./Thurs.-Students will learn about Easter customs in German speaking countries along with history of feast.

German II.
Mon.-Students will review test...Tues.-Studemts will continue working on Ein Taschendieb... Wed./Thurs..-Students will learn about Easter customs in German speaking countries along with history of feast.

Advanced German
Mon./Tues.-Students will continue novella Fortunatus ...Wed./Thurs..-Students will learn about Easter customs in German speaking countries along with history of feast.