Monday, November 29, 2010

Herr Miller's Hausaufgabe

Week of 07.Feb.2011

Arbeit macht das Leben suss!

Intro to Foreign Language
Mon.-geography/history...Tues./Wed.-Hennings Haus online~Thur./Fri.-Rosetta Stone Unit 1-chpt.2
German I
Mon.-review "der" words...Tues./Wed.kontakte German~Thurs./Fri.-vocab.-studystack
German II
Mon.-Tues./Wed.-continued review modals online & worksheet~Thurs.-quiz-modals~Fri.-discovery ed.
Advanced German
Mon.-online forum...Tues./Thurs.- inclass work on Wunderland ~Fri.-progress report on project

Monday, November 22, 2010

Herr Miller's Hausaufgabe

Week of 22. Nov.2010
frohes Dankfest!

Intro to Foreign Language
Mon./Tues.-question words & Ernte Dankfest vocab.~ Wed.-P.P.-der Schildkrote

German I
Mon.-P.P-sollen modal~Tues./Wed.-Ernte Dankfest vocab. & culture

German II
Mon.-Past tense modal intro~ Tues./Wed.- Ernte Dankfest vocab & culture
Advanced German
Mon.-Past tense modal review~Tues./Wed.Ernte Dankfest vocab. & culture

Monday, November 15, 2010

Week of 15.Nov.2010
Leider gesagt als getan!
Intro to Foreign Language
Tues./Wed.-cognate sheet vocab.~Thurs./Fri.-Kinder Volkslied
German I
Tues./Wed.-online vocab. & sample sentences~Thurs.-quiz( present tense & vocab.~Fri.- streaming discovery ed. Top episode
German II
Tues./Wed. online studystack & w/ pres. perf.)~Fri.- online graded course
Advanced German
Tues./Fri.-Gutenberg project

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week of 8. Nov. 2010
Intro to Foreign Language
Mon./Tues- continued classroom phrases~Wed./Thurs.-cognate sheet & colors~Fri.- Hennings Haus online vocab. site
German I
Mon/Tues...continued present tense w/worksheet~Wed.-quiz-present tense~Thurs. review quiz~Fri.-Rosetta Stone
German II
Mon./Wed.-reading w/ comprehensive questions~Thurs.-quiz on reading~Fri.-Rosetta Stone
Advanced German
Mon./Wed.-Bleiben Sie Gesund graded reading w/vocab. & questions~Thurs.-quiz on reading~review quiz